Asbury United Methodist Church 200th Anniversary |
In the spring of 1810 America was but a young country just starting it growth to a world power with a population of 7,239,881 and the country ended just west of what is now Richmond Va. To the west. A group of Christians meet in a small house in a remote corner of Somerset County, Maryland, to form a church based on the teachings of John Wesley. This meeting would blossom in to the Asbury United Methodist Church of Crisfield, Maryland. In two hundred year Asbury has had 5 churches, suffed 4 splits, seen 10 wars, 200 Christmas, Palm Sunday & Easter services. There have been 110 Pastor’s from our first Mr. Thomas Careen to Pastor Sally Russum. Asbury United Methodist Church celebrated it’s 200th Anniversary on November 7, 2010. Welcome to our celebration. |
What a beautiful day for a celebration! |
Looking over the crowd of 276, wish they were here every week. |
The ladies are busy in the kitchen as always. |
Yes as in very Homecoming on record, we did have oysters! |
Miss Lu is working The Nursery like she has for over 50 years. |
Music was abound with all four of our choirs singing. |
What a wonderful Alter decorated for the Thanksgiving Season. |
Looking at our Bible it was easy to tell God was in the room. |
Asbury's Man of the Century! Mr. Edwin
Riggin, Mr. Riggin's family excepted for him. |
Asbury's Woman of the Century! Mrs. Lucine Taylor. |
Pastor Sally, Welcome's Reverend Sterling our guest speaker. | Reverend Sterling, brings us a sermon for the ages. |
The Choir was singing at there very best this morning. | Everyone gave the Anniversary Committee a round of applause. |
After the service like all good Methodist lunch is served. Let eat! | Everyone was enjoying ham and oysters. |
The congregation of Asbury Church would like to that a moment to thank the 200th Anniversary Committee for 18 month of dedicated work on this project. Great Job To All! Committee members Bill Russum, Jane Pruitt, Lea LaRue, Pastor Sally Russum, Susie Byrd, Bruce Wooster, Les Pruitt, Karis Reynolds, Chris Goldsborough, Bill Reynolds, LuAnn Goldsborough, Kathy Reynolds, Co Chair Linda Laird & Co Chair Dean Goldsborough
Join us November 2, 2110 for our 300th Anniversary Celebration! |